

Contact | Campus Map

³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ We are a creative powerhouse, a wildly diverse collective of the world's leading artists and communicators—students and faculty who share a passion for creative work and enterprise that reflect, support and most importantly, shape the culture of our times.

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Campus Map

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var mapElement = document.getElementById('campus-map'); var mapOptions = { // How zoomed in you want the map to start at (always required) zoom: 14, // The latitude and longitude to center the map (always required) center: myLatlng, // disable scroll zoom scrollwheel: false, // How you would like to style the map. // This is where you would paste any style found on Snazzy Maps. styles: [{"featureType":"water","stylers":[{"color":"#6ecdfa"},{"visibility":"on"}]},{"featureType":"landscape","stylers":[{"color":"#f2f2f2"}]},{"featureType":"road","stylers":[{"saturation":-100},{"lightness":45}]},{"featureType":"road.highway","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"}]},{"featureType":"road.arterial","elementType":"labels.icon","stylers":[{"visibility":"off"}]},{"featureType":"administrative","elementType":"labels.text.fill","stylers":[{"color":"#444444"}]},{"featureType":"transit","stylers":[{"visibility":"off"}]},{"featureType":"poi","stylers":[{"visibility":"off"}]}] }; // Create the Google Map using out element and options defined above var map = new google.maps.Map(mapElement, mapOptions); var markers = []; var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ // pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(-8, 2) }); var legend_html = ''; var locations = [ ['30 E. Balbo Drive / 30 East', '30 E. Balbo Drive
Chicago, IL', 41.8732741, -87.6275906, 2], ['33 E. Ida B. Wells Drive', '33 E. Ida B. Wells Drive
Chicago, IL', 41.87560160, -87.62651219999999, 1], ['37 W. Van Buren St. / The Arc', '37 W. Van Buren St.
Chicago, IL', 41.876780, -87.628830, 2], ['525 S. State St. / University Center', '525 S State St.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.87494020, -87.6275170, 2,], ['525 S. State St. / University Center Fitness', '525 S State St.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.87494020, -87.6275170, 4,], ['600 S. Michigan Ave. / Alexandroff Campus Center', '600 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.874210, -87.62447999999999, 1], ['619 S. Wabash Ave.', '619 S Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.87380710, -87.62594620, 1], ['618 S. Michigan Ave.', '618 S Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.8738170, -87.6247990, 1], ['623 S. Wabash Ave.', '623 S Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.8736830, -87.62560099999999, 1], ['624 S. Michigan Ave.', '624 S Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.8739430, -87.62449099999999, 1], ['642 S. Clark St. / The Dwight', '642 S Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.87356700000001, -87.63079719999999, 2], ['754 S. Wabash Ave. / The Student Center', '754 S. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.872430, -87.626080, 1], ['754 S. Wabash Ave. / Student Center Fitness', '754 S. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.872430, -87.626080, 4], ['916 S. Wabash Ave.', '916 S Wabash Ave
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.870220, -87.62590050, 1], ['1019 S. Wabash Ave. / Sculpture Garden', '1019 S. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.869730, -87.625820, 3], ['72 E. 11th St. / Getz Theatre Center', '72 E 11th St.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.86929260, -87.62509630, 1], ['1014 S. Michigan Ave. / Music Center', '1014 S Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.8694710, -87.62462699999999, 1], ['1104 S. Wabash Ave.', '1104 S Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL', 41.8691130, -87.6260410, 1], ['1306 S. Michigan Ave. / The Dance Center', '1306 S Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.86569739999999, -87.62406439999999, 1], ['1312 S. Michigan Ave. / Sherwood Community Music School', '1312 S Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.865410, -87.62460899999999, 1], ['1600 S. State St. / Media Production Center', '1600 S. State St.
Chicago, IL 60605', 41.8591250, -87.62768299999999, 1], ['Harrison Red Line CTA Station', 'Harrison Red Line CTA Station', 41.8741437, -87.6274613, 5], ['LaSalle Blue Line CTA Station', 'LaSalle Blue Line CTA Station', 41.875652, -87.631238, 5], ['Roosevelt CTA Station (Red, Green, and Orange Lines)', 'Roosevelt CTA Station (Red, Green, and Orange Lines)', 41.867509, -87.626639, 5], ['Harold Washington Library CTA Station (Brown, Purple, Pink, and Orange Lines)', 'Harold Washington Library CTA Station (Brown, Purple, Pink, and Orange Lines)', 41.876978, -87.628803, 5], ['Van Buren Metra and South Shore Station', 'Van Buren Metra and South Shore Station', 41.877145, -87.622967, 5], ['Museum Campus / 11th St. Metra and South Shore Station', 'Museum Campus / 11th St. Metra and South Shore Station', 41.869025, -87.621867, 5], ['LaSalle Street Metra Station', 'LaSalle Street Metra Station', 41.875309, -87.632176, 5] ]; var gmaps = { init: function(placeTypeFilter) { legend_html = '
'; legend_html += '
'; legend_html += '
'; legend_html += '
    '; } counter++; } } legend_html += '
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', ',')); // lat, long, zoom href += '@' + loc[2] + ',' + loc[3] + '&ie=UTF8&z=15'; // return link return ''; } // This function picks up the click and opens the corresponding info window function locate(i) { google.maps.event.trigger(markers[i], "click"); } $(function(){ if(window.location.hash == '#map') { $('a[href="#campus-map"]').click(); window.location.hash = "#campus-map"; } });